Bladder control – Foods to avoid and medication

Bladder control – Foods to avoid and medication

Nutrition plays an essential role in overall health and helps in reducing symptoms associated with overactive bladder. Statistics suggest that more than 30% of women in the country have bladder control issues. While there are medications that can help manage the condition, changes in your food regime can help prevent the condition as well. Read on to know more about the foods to avoid and the medication options to manage bladder control issues. Foods to avoid Caffeine Caffeine products such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and carbonated drinks are some of the primary triggers that can be counterproductive for bladder control. This is because they have a diuretic effect, which means they worsen bladder control by promoting frequent urination. Alcohol Like caffeine, alcohol is also believed to have a diuretic effect as well, aggravating bladder control issues. It increases the pressure in the detrusor muscles, reducing the control over natural signals indicating the brain to empty the bladder. So, an occasional indulgence in wine or beer may not harm, but binging on hard liquor can affect bladder control. Spicy foods Bladder-related issues such as bladder leakage are typically seen more in women. Bladder leakage can also be greatly affected by spicy foods that contain chili powder, peppers, horseradish, and other pungent spices.
High-risk cancer foods to avoid

High-risk cancer foods to avoid

A healthy diet is one of the essentials of living an illness-free lifestyle, including lowering your risk of cancer. Understanding nutrition is essential if you are either managing this illness or trying to avoid it. Speak to a doctor in detail to know why these following foods should be avoided to reduce the risk of cancer. If you are managing your symptoms, you can also read about immunotherapy that may be helpful for your recovery. Processed meats These are primarily red meats like hot dogs, salami, sausage, corned beef, beef jerky, and ham. These meats are preserved using smoke, curing, salting, and canning and these processes can create carcinogens in the food. Several reviews suggest that over-consumption of processed meat is related to breast, stomach, and colorectal cancer. Fried foods According to research, a compound called acrylamide is formed when starchy ingredients are cooked in high temperatures, and this compound is responsible for damaging DNA and causing the death of cells. As over-consumption of fried foods can lead to obesity and risk of diabetes, it also increases oxidative stress in the body. These unhealthy reactions in the body may increase the risk of cancer. Alcohol The liver in the body breaks down alcohol into a compound called acetaldehyde.
5 cities with the highest rates of lung cancer

5 cities with the highest rates of lung cancer

Lung cancer is among the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in our country. While smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle are the major risk factors associated with lung cancer, the disease can also result from breathing poor quality air. Places with a lot of air pollution are therefore known to report more lung cancer cases. In this article, we have listed five cities that have the highest rates of lung cancer. Jefferson County Jefferson County, Kentucky, is one of those places that reports the maximum number of new lung cancer incidents. This city reports approximately 765 new lung cancer cases every year and about 501 lung cancer-related deaths. Marion County Situated in Indiana, Marion County ranks jest below Jefferson County when it comes to lung cancer cases. The county registers approximately 77.2 new cases of lung cancer per 100,000 people every year. It also reports 506 lung cancer deaths per year on average. Cheyenne Cheyenne, Wyoming, was once one of the wealthiest counties of our country and was known for its cattle industry. Today, unfortunately, it ranks among the cities with the most number of cancer patients. The region has a high prevalence of respiratory tract inflammatory diseases, which increases the risk of lung cancer.
3 trigger foods that asthma patients should avoid

3 trigger foods that asthma patients should avoid

There are no foods that can be used to exclusively cure asthma. But there are ways to avoid asthma attacks by paying attention to your meals. The onset of an asthma attack can be discomforting and could make the patient conscious in public places. This is why having a rescue inhaler is important during an outdoor trip. Apart from that, here are certain foods that could trigger an attack in some asthma patients. Dried foods, pickled foods, and alcohol These foods are high in sulfites, which may trigger an unpleasant episode of asthma. Besides these foods, alcohol and wine (especially white wine) contain high amounts of sulfites that could be an irritant for asthma patients. Usually, this compound is found in foods and beverages with a long shelf life. This also includes onions and garlic. Teas, coffees, and spicy foods Tea, coffee, and spicy foods contain salicylates. An asthma patient can develop intolerance towards salicylates, regardless of whether it comes from a natural or artificial source. One will have to eliminate certain foods from their daily meals to find out exactly which foods are causing an intolerance. Beans, cabbage, and fried foods These foods can lead to problems caused by excessive bloating.
Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Foods to avoid for managing multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system. It results in the deterioration of myelin, a protective covering around the nerves, disrupting brain-body communication. Although there is no cure for MS yet, patients can manage the disease’s symptoms and discomforts with the help of lifestyle changes, medications, and targeted treatment. Moreover, a healthy nutrition plan is essential, and eliminating the following foods can help provide further relief. Saturated and trans fat Both saturated and trans fats are bad for MS. Saturated fats like coconut oil, palm oil, dairy fats, and meat fats can increase cholesterol levels. And since MS patients are at risk of cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. Trans fats can have a similar effect and may trigger inflammation of blood vessels. These fats are mainly found in baked goods and confectionaries as they are made with hydrogenated vegetable oils and shortening. Foods rich in sugar and salt Research studies say that increased sodium levels in the body can lead to a relapse of MS symptoms. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure, leading to significant circulatory problems if left unchecked. On the other hand, sugar contributes to unhealthy weight gain, which can put a lot of strain on the heart and body.
Tips, home remedies, and foods to manage dry eyes

Tips, home remedies, and foods to manage dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a condition characterized by the tear glands not producing adequate fluid to keep the eyes lubricated. This condition can lead to symptoms such as scratchy eyes, eye fatigue, heavy eyelids, pain, light sensitivity, and even blurred vision. These can disrupt one’s daily schedule and be very painful, causing further distress. This article shares some home remedies that one can try to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes. 5 Tips and Home Remedies to Manage Dry Eye Syndrome Use warm compresses Warm compresses basically stimulate the tear glands to promote the production of tears. This can be a regular practice and can provide great relief when done every day. Have a good night’s sleep Lack of sleep can instigate dry eyes and eye fatigue in people who would not have the condition otherwise. It is recommended to take short breaks between screen time and get some shut-eye. Use a humidifier People who reside in a region that is dominated by dry and cold weather must invest in a humidifier for it retains the moisture in the air and helps relieve the discomfort caused by the dry weather. Stay hydrated An adequate intake of water is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for patients with dry eye syndrome.
5 effective tips to manage hyperhidrosis

5 effective tips to manage hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that impacts the quality of the everyday life of an individual. Excessive sweating can lead those affected to feel embarrassed, sad, anxious, and angry. To combat these emotional and mental feelings, one can bring some effective changes in everyday life. Mentioned below are some of the lifestyle tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine to cope with hyperhidrosis. Let’s have a look at some. Exercise Working out is a great way to help reduce stress and maintain physical health. People with hyperhidrosis should not feel embarrassed while working out, as it is normal for them to sweat during intense physical workouts. Also, regular exercise will help you keep your body in shape and help reduce sweat in normal situations. Wear light and breathable clothing Out of the many lifestyle tips for hyperhidrosis, this one is about paying attention to what you wear. Natural fibers like cotton and linen will help keep sweat to a minimum. Thick fabrics like flannel can trap sweat which can worsen your sweating. People with hyperhidrosis should wear light and breathable fabrics, which can reduce the body temperature, and in turn, stop sweat. Stay hydrated It is important for people with hyperhidrosis to maintain an adequate level of hydration.
Foods to avoid for managing melanoma symptoms

Foods to avoid for managing melanoma symptoms

Melanoma is a skin cancer that develops when melanocytes — cells that give our skin its color — grow out of control. If left undetected and untreated, the disease can spread to other parts of the body. While melanoma can be cured, patients must follow a healthy nutrition plan for a better prognosis. This article lists the foods one must avoid with melanoma and other skin cancers, along with suitable medications like OPDIVO®. Coffee Though coffee is an excellent beverage for keeping one awake during those long office hours, it is harmful to those with melanoma. Coffee contains caffeine, a property known to cause dehydration. And since cancer treatments require the patient to be hydrated all the time, patients must stay away from the beverage as far as possible. Processed and red meats The WHO has classified red meats (beef, pork, lamb, etc.) and processed meats (ham, bacon, frankfurters, salami, etc.) as Group 1 carcinogens. This is because they contain specific chemicals, both naturally occurring or artificial, that can lead to different cancers and worsen the symptoms. Desserts and sweets As tasty as they are, desserts and sweets do not provide much nutritional value to the human body. Moreover, having too many sugar-rich foods can reduce the effect of healthy foods that can fight cancers.
Foods to eat for preventing osteoporosis

Foods to eat for preventing osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects the structural integrity of the bone, increases the risk of fractures, and affects the ability of the body to regenerate bone mineral density. This condition worsens with age and affects bones in the wrist, spine, or hips. Normally, doctors recommend a combination of medications and weight-bearing exercises to prevent bone loss. Osteoporosis can also be prevented to some extent with healthy changes in habits related to nutritional regime. Foods to eat Recommended foods that help avoid osteoporosis are Foods containing calcium Calcium helps boost bone healthm and foods like kale, turnip, spinach, collard greens, and dairy products including milk cheese, yogurt, are rich sources. Those suffering from lactose intolerance can have soy milk and other such products. Fortified juices, cereals and snacks with vitamin D help the body absorb calcium better. Protein- and magnesium-rich foods Proteins are the building blocks of the body and magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density. Lean chicken and turkey cuts, eggs, milk, and assorted fish or seafood are rich protein options. Assorted nuts including almonds, cashews, peanuts, and some seeds are rich sources of magnesium to be included in daily meals. Foods rich in vitamins C and K Vitamin C is an essential immunity booster and studies show that the key nutrient also helps lower the risk of chronic ailments like osteoporosis.
5 toxic smells that trigger migraine

5 toxic smells that trigger migraine

Various odors and fragrances surround us, but not everyone is tolerant of them. Especially for people with migraine, different strong smells can act as a trigger because of smell sensitivity. Inhalation of these strong odors can lead to dizziness, headaches and other health issues. One can also look for ways to prevent a migraine attack due to such odors. Here are some odors that can be toxic to people with migraine: Car exhaust Car exhausts are among the leading cause of environmental pollution. The gas leak from car exhausts is therefore understandably harmful. The leak has a very strong odor and can be the reason for high CO or carbon monoxide gas buildup over time. These fumes often cause nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, and dizziness. Cleaning supplies Cleaning supplies often contain Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs. These emit gases that may or may not have a strong smell. Exposure to these gases can cause headaches and respiratory issues. They are considered toxic and are often the reason for migraines. Additionally, VOCs can also turn out to be carcinogenic for some people. Therefore, it is essential to use VOC-free cleaning products. Oil-based paints Oil-based paints also contain VOCs. These solvents get released into the environment once the paint is applied on any surface.

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Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

One of the toughest tasks for any organization is the process of evaluating its employees every year to determine their performance. This where an employee evaluation software can make the process simpler and more systematic for the Human Resources (HR) department. Here’s is a list of the best software providers for employee assessment. BambooHR It is a human resources information system that makes the role of the HR team more effective. This cloud-based software offers a great range of employee information management options, which will help to keep an eye on their performance. This is an affordable software and ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Engagedly When it comes to employee evaluation, today’s business needs a modern approach, and that is exactly what this employee evaluation software offers. It engages employees in the process of performance evaluation, making it possible for the system to be more simplified and save a lot of time. UltiPro This Cloud-based software offers a range of amazing features that make employee evaluation more effective. UltiPro comes with features like feedback, compensation management, evaluation history, development plans for individual employees, rating scale with customization options, on-going tracking of performance, goal-setting, skill assessment, and peer appraisal. Workday This employee evaluation software helps with the growth of your business by offering more insight into the workforce.
Top 3 Android smartphones for business

Top 3 Android smartphones for business

An ideal smartphone for business is one that pleases you, delivers phenomenal value for the money, and on-the-go processing capabilities. It might not be easy for you to judge the usability of the handset simply by browsing the Internet. So, to help you, we have come up with a list of some of the best android smartphones that you can invest in right away. A good business smartphone is one that is capable of running all the latest apps that can help you with your business. So, from helping you connect with your business phone service to privacy services and PDF apps, a good business smartphone is capable of doing it all. Blackberry Key 2 Blackberry might not be the number one in the smartphone market, but the company still develops some of the finest business smartphones. Blackberry Key 2 is an Android run smartphone that was marketed as “an icon reborn,” primarily because Blackberry retained its classic keyword but improved it by adding a speed key button and increasing the size of the keys by 20%. Features of Blackberry Key 2 Long battery life, lasting you two days Qualcomm 660 processor A newer larger and more intelligent keyboard BlackBerry DTEK app that makes it incredibly secure Photos and files can be secured with the BlackBerry Locker The option of storage space of 64 GB and 256 GB 6 GB RAM Samsung Galaxy S20 If you need the best android smartphone that’s great for your business and is affordable at the same time, this 5G phone from Samsung should be your preferred choice.
A quick look at the iPhone X series models

A quick look at the iPhone X series models

The iPhone brand has been the father of smartphones since its inception. The first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007, which changed the game for smartphones with its multi-touch and camera capabilities. Since then, there’s no stopping Apple. In 2017, on its 10th Anniversary, Apple revamped the game again with the introduction of the iPhone X. This revolutionary iPhone paved the way for subsequent future iPhones as well, let’s have a look.   iPhone X This was the first iPhone in which the Home Button was replaced by clever software gestures. It had a 5.8-inch edge-to-edge high-resolution OLED display panel a better notch-superior than the previous generation’s LCD panel. The advantage of OLED is that color reproduction is way better, and it is certainly more power-efficient than the past models. As for the security, Apple ditched Touch ID and replaced it with the new biometric, Face ID. The front selfie camera, that was embedded in the notch of the iPhone X, was an added style plus. It created a 3D model of the user and worked in low-light with an infrared camera. In this model, there were two camera sensors on the rear with one telephoto lens and one wide lens.
Top destination travel options in Asia

Top destination travel options in Asia

Asia is a beautiful continent and is home to some of the most exciting destination travel options. With so many exquisite countries to visit, the task of picking the best once can be a bit overwhelming. Well, fret not! Given the availability of affordable flights in-between prime hubs of Asia, you can certainly visit a couple of top destinations in Asia on a single trip. You can pick any one of the listed destinations below for your next destination travel trip. Chiang Mai, Thailand A lot of travelers visiting Thailand prefer its northern capital over Bangkok. The Old City of Chiang Mai is bustling with tourist activity all year round. The most beautiful thing that you’ll witness here is the welcoming and calming smile of monks. Happening night markets, a multitude of cultural festivals, beautiful temples, and sprawling mountains for trekking– Chiang Mai has something for every type of traveler. Every year the city gets a footfall of more than a million travelers that leave the destination enriched with hope and satisfaction. When in Chiang Mia, make sure that you take a tour of the magnificent riverside village, Pai, which is located only a few hours north of the city. Penang, Malaysia If you are looking for a destination travel trip where you can relax, unwind, and experience mouth-watering cuisine, then Penang in Malaysia is the right destination for you.
Top payroll software for small businesses

Top payroll software for small businesses

If you run a small business, payroll software can help you manage all the particulars and activities regarding your employee workforce. If you have 50 to 100 employees, it can get a little difficult to keep track of all the payslips, tax files, and other important employee details. That’s where payroll software for small businesses come in. Let’s look at the top software options you can choose from: Gusto Hailed as one of the best payroll software for small businesses, Gusto offers a comprehensive system with intuitive software that can help you handle a variety of employee-related matters. These include employee pay stubs and tax forms, benefits and payroll reports, health insurance, state and federal unemployment insurance, PTO tracking, direct deposit facilities, wage garnishments, automated tax filings, and unlimited payroll runs in all 50 states. The interface is easy-to-use, and the brand offers a free demo as well. Unlike other software, Gusto does not charge extra for features like automated billing, health benefits, online estimates, and workers’ compensation. ADP This software can take HR and payroll off your hands, easing your burden if you’re managing a small business. It handles all the time-consuming tasks for you, ranging from managing employees’ 401(k) accounts to filing payroll taxes, and it also takes over tasks like onboarding, hiring, and recruiting.
Business class flights and its features

Business class flights and its features

All of us have daydreamed about traveling business class when we make a steady shuffle from business class to economy. Yes, it lures us with its spacious cabins, and luxe and cushy comforts. So, is it worth flying in a first-class or business class flight? Let’s discuss some of the best business class flight features that will prove that it is worth every penny. Priority check-in For travelers traveling business class, the check-in process is a lot more convenient and easier. You don’t need to stand in the long queue to finish your check-in procedure. Go ahead and sit down at the waiting room seat while the staff handles the check-in for you. Extra baggage allowed Now, this completely depends on the policy of the airline. However, irrespective of the airline you are traveling with, the permissible baggage allowance for a business class is certainly more than economy class travelers. So, if you are a shopaholic, it could be a huge plus. Access to the special lounge Ahead of the boarding time, business class travelers can wait in the exclusive lounge dedicated to them. Again, it might vary from airline to airline and airport to airport, but in most lounges across the globe, you’ll get scrumptious snacks and food.